About Me

Hello I’m Rachel 

People have always been my thing, and perhaps I’m particularly curious but I do love a story, so here is a little of mine... 

Working in busy high-paced corporate & start-up environments over the last 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of building some of the most exciting start ups in tech with incredibly talented people. However, I also saw all around me people burning out, stuck in the wrong role, going in the wrong direction, or in a non-supportive culture where they weren’t taken care of.

It never sat well. 

I believe in choice over autopilot and I knew there had to be a better way of doing what I love. 

I decided to get out there and help people find their ‘fizz’, step into the right job, and have a career that is a hugely rewarding part of their lives. 

When I am not busy coaching and building teams, my happy place is near, under, or on the sea.

Random facts: I grew up in India, I feel governed by the moon and I can NOT bake!

Profile: High Yellow – That makes me a sparkling conversationalist, visionary, optimistic and generous.

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