Career Clarity 

The programme to move you from confusion to control 

The Coaching

My coaching isn’t about a quick fix for job search frustrations! In fact, one happy client referred to it as 'the job before the real job!' 

Career Clarity was created to change the rules on how you choose your next career move. You know you want to do something different but the hardest part of change is knowing where to start. This program will provide you with a clear structure to step out of career autopilot into active choice. 

We’re all unique

The Career Clarity Programme is not a prescriptive road map but rather an opportunity for you to fill in the gaps, and prioritise personal transition milestones.  It will be the catalyst to shape a future career where you excel naturally and feel like you are making a difference.

Getting clear

This is a 6-session 1:1 Zoom coaching program to evaluate what a fulfilled career looks and feels like to you combined with the practical tools to make it happen. 

We will investigate the bigger questions behind your career, step away from ingrained career expectations, and dig deep into your values. 

 Together we will cover the 4 pillars of career fulfilment; Skills, Compensation, Lifestyle, and Meaningful contribution by following a powerful 3 step transition framework.

3 Powerful steps to move from confusion to clarity



Why do you want a change? Let’s connect to the dots between your past, present & future.



What do you truly want to do? Defining where your work meets your life



When and how are you going to make it happen? Steps & actions to land your true role.

Carve a career connected to your purpose

Life is full of choices. You have the power to reframe your career. Create a space for change today. Transition into a career that ignites your passion, challenges you to grow and gives you a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day.

Questions before getting started?